The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to evolve in terms of the virus, new treatments and therapies, and public perception of the disease. The resources below provide the latest information about HIV/AIDS and prevention efforts as well as resources including videos, fact sheets, maps, and clinic locators for health professionals and lay persons alike.

  • AIDS/HIV Information Resources
    National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
    The National Library of Medicine provides a wealth of information related to HIV and AIDS, including multimedia, training resources, and daily news updates regarding HIV prevention initiatives. This site also provides HIV information and resources specifically for the general public, teenagers, health professionals, scientists, and Spanish speakers.
  • AIDSVu
    AIDSVu is a website that offers excellent HIV surveillance tools to stay abreast of the latest updates regarding the epidemic in the United States. AIDSVu provides visually engaging interactive maps, statistics, and fact sheets that offer accurate and easy to understand HIV/AIDS data.
    The website presents information on federal initiatives, events, and programs related to HIV/AIDS prevention. Additional resources include tools for new media and HIV prevention work, clinic locators, and a detailed resource section specifically for providers.
  • HIV/AIDS Resources
    Sheldon Margen Public Health Library, University of California, Berkeley
    The Sheldon Margen Public Health library features an HIV/AIDS resources page with scholarly research abstracts and articles, toolkits for conducting research studies regarding HIV/AIDS, and links to national and international HIV/AIDS prevention agencies.
  • The Body
    The Body is a website that uniquely features HIV/AIDS resources for various subgroups, including African-Americans, older adults, and newly diagnosed individuals. The Body also includes information about various mobile apps that aid in HIV management and the latest news in HIV/AIDS activist initiatives.
  • National HIV and STD Testing Resources
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    The National HIV and STD Testing Resources website is an easy-to-use portal for patients and individuals seeking general information about HIV and HIV/STD testing. The website provides clinic locators, frequently asked questions about HIV and STD testing, basic information about HIV and STD, and more.
  • National Resource Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention among Adolescents
    This website is designed specifically for providers and health professionals working with adolescents. With articles, evidence-based programs, and other information specific to various subgroups — such as American Indian, incarcerated, and Transgender adolescents — it is useful for individuals seeking the latest methods in HIV/AIDS prevention for youth populations.
  • Reproductive Health topic
Office of Adolescent Health (OAH), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
    The OAH provides the latest news regarding federal initiatives addressing HIV/AIDS prevention and pregnancy prevention among youth. OAH also offers recommendations for parents and other adults working with teenagers regarding healthy conversations about sexual health, drugs and alcohol, and other health issues that affect adolescents.
  • Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Programs
    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
    This federal agency has a variety of resources relevant for clinicians working in HIV care. From clinical care guidelines and training resources, to sources of assistance for newly diagnosed HIV patients, the HIV/AIDS Programs provide a wealth of up-to-date information for providing optimal health care for HIV patients.
  • Youth HIV Prevention Project
    Public Health – Seattle & King County
    The Youth HIV Prevention Project features the efforts of South King County, WA high school students in designing HIV resources specifically for youth. Stories of teens’ first STI testing experience, slide shows, and informative STI prevention visuals offer unique resources that are especially useful for educating youth about HIV/STI testing.
  • HIV Prevention Resources for Youth-Serving Professionals
    Advocates for Youth
    Advocates for Youth provides HIV prevention resources for educators, providers, and youth-serving health professionals .The site offers HIV prevention games, posters and postcards, lesson plans, films designed by teens for teens, and other useful tools that are culturally relevant and evidence-based.
  • Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    The YRBSS reports national surveillance data for youth behaviors in six areas, including sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and STIs. Fact sheets and interactive data tables that can be customized by year and subpopulation make this resource particularly useful for grant proposal writing, presentations, and acquiring general information about a variety of trends in youth health behaviors.
  • Oregon Reminders
    An initiative designed by YTH, this private service is designed for both HIV positive and negative individuals. It is a mobile program that provides weekly text message reminders to remind individuals to take their medication, get tested for HIV/STDs regularly, and offers other health tips for healthy living.
  • AIDSource: PrEP Navigation Resources

Homepage photo by Antti T. Nissinen, Creative Commons on Flickr.

ZonaSegura ZonaSegura is a trauma-informed youth-centered innovative mobile solution to address teen dating violence in Honduras. Learn more about ZonaSegura on our program page.