New year, new partnerships! We’re excited to announce that we’re joining forces with The Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer (GIAHC) to create a new digital campaign that will educate and empower young people, in an effort to fight the impact of HPV-related diseases and cervical cancer.
Together, we are designing an integrated campaign that will work to increase the rates of HPV vaccination in the US as well as around the world.
Our Executive Director, Sheoran Bhupendra, had this to say about the partnership:
“GIAHC and their amazing work was inspiring to us from the get go. Myself and the rest of the YTH team are committed to this cause and know that between GIAHC’s expertise in prevention plans aimed at stamping out HPV and cervical cancer and our own digital technology strategies that together we will be able to create innovative solutions that will have a genuine impact on prevention programs.”
Expect to see more from us and our friends at GIAHC soon!
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