Over the past 16 years, YTH has been a leader in nonprofit technology innovation for advancing youth health and wellness. Through programs like SexINFO, they2ze, and PrEPTECH, YTH has proven that we are willing to take risks and be creative with technology to provide youth with information and services where and when they need it.
Since 2001, saying that the tech space has expanded rapidly would be an understatement. It’s hard to believe the iPhone wouldn’t be released for six years after YTH’s launch, and now, 90 percent of teens have access to a smartphone of some kind. In 2017, innovative technology is looking more like VR goggles and Amazon’s Alexa. However, the tech world and the social sector have suffered from a lack of dialogue and partnerships, with both groups struggling to engage meaningfully with one another.
To keep YTH up-to-speed and support us in developing new knowledge and relationships with technology, and to bridge the gap between nonprofits and the tech community, we are proud to announce the start of our inaugural Technology Advisory Board (TAB). The YTH TAB will support our mission to use technology for good, generate bottom-line health impacts with youth, and contribute to developing innovative solutions for youth health and wellness.
Our TAB members have diverse backgrounds, from digital organizing, design, and computer science. They work at household name companies, like Google and Lyft, and they all share a passion for using technology for good and for improving the lives of young people.
We expect you’ll see them and have a chance to connect at YTH Live 2018, as well as see their insights, connections, and leadership begin to manifest in our work. Finally, stay tuned to the YTH newsletters to learn more about each TAB member. We are thrilled at the possibilities of what we will create together!
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YTH Partners With GIAHC to Increase HPV Prevention