There are many myths about youth and HIV out there, one of the most prevalent being that HIV doesn’t impact youth in very large numbers. However, there is evidence that contradicts this notion: recently data released from AIDSVu, a project of Emory University’s Rollins School of Public […]
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HIV Testing Day is on June 27, and we’re highlighting youth-centered campaigns that educate and empower young people to get tested to HIV. As is true with most social and public health issue of our time, young people are at the forefront of creating change around HIV […]
Read more →April 10 is National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, or #NYHAAD. Here are some important facts to know about HIV/AIDS and youth! Young people account for over a quarter of new HIV cases in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Alarming, yes. In some way […]
Read more →YTH is pleased to launch YTHINFO, a SMS campaign reaching youth weekly with HIV prevention information and resources tailored to their needs and lifestyles. Eighty-eight percent of young Americans age 13 to 17 have their own cell phone or smart phone or daily access to one, and […]
Read more →HIV is a complex disease in how it affects our bodies, and people living with HIV can have complicated medication schedules that include varying doses of different drugs to be taken at different times. Currently there are over 100 HIV-related drugs in existence. Managing HIV with medication can be […]
Read more →The average American loses his or her virginity at age 17, during a stage of life that is marked by fluctuations in hormones that change our bodies, emotions and perceptions of ourselves. It can be a confusing time for many teens as they explore many new feelings […]
Read more →How did you first find out how babies were made? This was the opening question from Dr. Potts’ speech at the launch of the UC Berkeley exhibit Birds do It, Bees Do It: a Century of Sex (Mis)Education in the United States on October 1, 2014 in the Berkeley Doe […]
Read more →Youth between the ages of 13 and 24 account for 17% of the US population, but 26% of its new HIV infections each year. 60% of those infected don’t even know it. How can we combat this epidemic? With the rise of computer and mobile phone use, […]
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