Austin, Tex. just hosted the ever-popular South by Southwest (SXSW) conference where leaders in entertainment, technology and a wide range of fields convene to share and discuss the world’s freshest ideas. One SXSW competition caught our eye, the Impact Pediatric Health Pitch, in which four finalists showcased technology products for a positive impact on young people’s health. These finalists offer great promise to enhance the world of tech for children’s and youth health.
- Neuro’motion is developing video games to help kids control their emotions, like anger. RAGE Control is a game where players are linked to heart rate monitors and cannot continue to play (shooting spacecraft) if their heart rate increases past a certain threshold, initiated by anger. Players must be calm to compete. Clinical trials of the game show strong promise that the effects can play out in real life situations and kids can learn to remain calmer.
- PregSense is an app that integrates with the Nuvo Group’s Ritmo™ belt, which is a prenatal acoustic system that allows expectant moms to play music to their unborn babies and record sounds from the womb. PregSense takes this a step further and uses audio technology to monitor various health aspects of both fetus and mom, processing this information through a mobile phone app.
- Kinsights is essentially a social network or support forum for parents raising kids. Parents ask a question to the community and Kinsights forwards that question to the feeds of other parents who are interested in, or have experience with that particular topic, allowing parents to learn from one another and in a sense, crowdsource their tough topics.
- The competition’s winner was CareAline, a line of fabric products that help keep implanted feeding and catheter lines in place, easily transferable by caregivers and comfortable for children.
Igniting Innovation at YTH Live 2015
Under the theme Ignite, YTH Live 2015 will showcase many technology products to improve young people’s health, including games and apps for emotional health, education and to promote safe sex, as well as new media to support young parents, foster families, LGBT youth, and more. If you enjoyed SXSW — or worse, if you missed it — you’ll be ignited with ideas and lessons for youth health at YTH Live 2015. Register here.
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