3 Fast Facts about Queer Women’s Sexual Health


During LGBTQ Pride Month, it’s important to remember that queer women—lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or otherwise identified—are often excluded or erased from sexual health conversations. Young people have unprecedented access to health information online, and there are tons of opportunities to stay informed, whether through websites, apps, or social media. If you or someone you love identifies as a queer woman, here are three fast facts about queer women’s sexual health and how to can stay healthy and safe.

  1. There are lots of barrier methods for women who have sex with women (WSW)! The conversation isn’t limited to condoms. Check out this video from Fusion.net, which describes the variety of options available to protect against STI transmission—from dental dams to gloves to finger cots, there are plenty of choices.

  2. Women who have sex with women often receive inadequate sexual health care. According to WomensHealth.gov, queer women are often afraid to come out to their doctors. Additionally, many doctors do not know what sexual health risks are faced by queer women or how to reduce those risks. Women who have sex with women can refer to this list from the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA), which outlines different topics to discuss with your doctor. You can also use the GLMA website to find a LGBTQ-friendly doctor.
  3. There are resources specifically for women who have sex with women looking for sexual health information! Check out the app Juicebox (forthcoming) to get your sexual health questions answered by experts. Scarleteen and Autostraddle also have some great articles with commonly asked questions.

Have a happy and safe Pride, everyone!

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ZonaSegura ZonaSegura is a trauma-informed youth-centered innovative mobile solution to address teen dating violence in Honduras. Learn more about ZonaSegura on our program page.