Monday morning plenary: The Doctor is In … Your Bizness

Monday, April 7th 10:00-10:05am

*Wellet: A Wellness Program for Universities and their Students*

Betsy Eble, Wellet@wearewellet

Passion inspires all of us – and you guys are really passionate, so I’m super excited to be here. You are using honesty & empathy to change the world and that’s big. Big changes start with little changes and those are built around passion and empathy and action.  We all have a bag of tools – some of them you develop when you’re a kid, some of them you learn, some of them you pick up along the way. But what happens when there isn’t a tool?

We are a team of passionate people.  Wellet is a wellness engagement platform that is full of tools – it pushes private health content to students, links students to resources, and delivers information.

After signing up, two times a week, students get emails and texts. They can respond to get points and those points can be used for rewards. It meets the student where they are – private, personal, and fun. And it requires no university IT resources. We would love to bring Wellet to everyone – come be passionate with us.

Monday, April 7th 10:05-10:20am

 *OraQuick: The Only FDA Approved Home HIV Testing Kit*

Kathy Weber, Orasure

OraQuick is a product that has a strong foundation in the professional market – we’ve been on the market since 2004 and went through a 7 year process with the FDA to bring this over the counter for US use.  We are based in Bethlehem, PA, and we specialize in oral fluid diagnostics. We are a company of 300 employees. We have the first and only CLIA-waived rapid oral HIV & Hepatitis C tests – in 20 minutes you can learn your status. We have the first and only FDA-cleared oral fluid-based DNA collection device – 23andme uses us.  And, we have the first and only FDA approved in-home HIV test.  The backbone of this is ORAQuick ADVANCE – our medical device. Over 30 million have been sold since 2004 to healthcare professionals.  To make this work for the consumer market we had to add a lot of labeling and instructions for what you should do if you test positive – we went through 32 iterations of labeling with the FDA, including label comprehension studies in English and Spanish & device interpretation studies.  We had 5000 consumers test this.

In July 2012, we launched. The launch itself was challenging because consumers don’t know our name. We distributed it through a broad range of stores as well as through our own site. We developed an advertising and promotion strategy targeting groups at highest risk – that’s MSM & African Americans now. And finally, we put in place a 24/7 bilingual call center with trained reps who provide HIV information as well as a website that has all the tools.

Currently, we’re using “life. as we know it.” as the focus of our campaign and the site You can’t just talk to people about an HIV test, it turns out – you really need to put it in the context of their life. We have campaigns that target both the gay and African-American community.  If you think about those communities, there’s an inherent distrust of healthcare and corporations, so it’s challenging for us to reach them.. So we have spokespeople – community influencers – in both communities.  We run commercials primarily on programming that target these communities, as well as digital/social media designed commercials.

We don’t track exactly who buys the product – but we do track what zipcodes and stores it’s bought in, so we know that we’re reaching the demographics we’re hoping to reach. We’ve had 25K calls to the consumer support center, 1.6mm website visits, 375K tests sold to date, a very low consumer complaint rate, and estimate 6K positives identified.

We’re now getting into working more with public health programs –

  • Social networking – provide tests to high risk individuals to share with others at risk
  • Provide test kits to individuals who have tested positive to give to partners
  • Provide test kits to individuals who have declined tests.

Kathy & Kay will be here at their booth for the rest of the conference.

*Monday, April 7th Plenary: The Doctor is In… Your Bizness*


Technology is making it possible for health providers to be “all in your bizness”, leaving it to you to control the what, how, how much, and the who. So what do you want? How do you want to connect with doctors, healthcare companies, people you take care of and those who take care of you? What kinds of people and organizations will you trust with your data and those relationships? What kinds of technologies make sense for your lifestyle? See what Kaiser Permanente has to say about the Digital Healthcare Revolution.

Moderator: Matthew Holt, Health 2.0

Speakers: Brian Gardner, Mobility Center of Excellence, Kaiser Permanente

Dr. Kimberly Newell, Pediatrician, Kaiser Permanente – @DrKimMD

Matthew Holt: Do you plan to purchase your own health insurance? Audience texts answer to 61827 – about 5/8 are covered through their work or a parent, about 2/8 plan to buy insurance.  Kaiser is a prepaid health plan because of it’s history – the doctors and hospitals are all one big organization.  Kaiser is responsible for the health of a whole population and it really changes how they think about care.  Kaiser currently has a unified electronic medical record which is super unusual.

Brian Gardner, Mobility center of excellence: Foundational (facilities), EHR (KP health Connect), Circle of Support (ancillary systems), Online ( and now moving into SMAC (social, mobile, analytics, cloud).  We want healthcare to be as ubiquitous as music purchase online – you shouldn’t have to step out of the 21st century to access health care. Because if you do have to, you won’t.

Kimberly Newell: This is such an exciting time for healthcare. We get to partner with patients in ways we really didn’t before. It’s a lot like legos – we have all these social media streams and all these devices to collect health info – but how do we make it look like a world of relevant information, rather than a giant box of legos dumped all over the floor?

Discussion themes:

-It’s all about personalization.

-How do we get support on social media?

-How do we sift through such large amounts of data?

-If we can display data to the patient first that allows them to process things more at their own speed.

-How do you protect confidentiality when patients have their own personal mobile devices?

-How do you mark segments of the EHR as confidential?

ZonaSegura ZonaSegura is a trauma-informed youth-centered innovative mobile solution to address teen dating violence in Honduras. Learn more about ZonaSegura on our program page.